Word of the Week

I introduced the Word of the Week to help us improve our working knowledge of the English language. Your part if you choose to participate is to be aware of and use each word for the entire week whenever the opportunity presents itself. This way we will all increase our vocabulary and our knowledge of the English language supplying us with a very effective tool to utilize on our road to success.


te·mer·i·ty /təˈmerəti/ noun

the quality of being confident and unafraid of danger or punishment.

From a poem entitled “It’s No Surprise”

“Eyes exuding sincerity,

understanding, temerity,

is why I love you.”

Friday, July 31, 2009

Lesson Learned

Wednesday was an interesting day for Tuesday I caught my old self coming through when I chose to negatively judge, (label), a former client. Something I no longer do.

The story goes like this.

In my studio I have two sets of dumbbells. One set of my 15lbs dumbbells has been on loan to this former client for some 2 ½ years now. The fault lies with me for not pursuing the matter and going to get them.

Enter my recent client of about three months. She has a beautiful energetic young spirit full of exuberance and life. She stated she nearly brought a pair of 15lbs dumbbells for me to which I would normally reply; “Thank you. That would be awesome.” Instead, before I caught myself, I went off on this rant about my 15lbs dumbbells, “supposedly,” on loan and proceeded to say it was better I didn’t pursue the matter and leave well enough alone because of certain characteristics the person held. At this point awareness kicked in but the damage had been done. Using my old perception of this person’s characteristic was an excuse masquerading as the reason for not pursuing the matter. The more I tried to explain, (justify), my judgment the more hypocritical I felt seemingly making matters worse for all. I had introduced a negative energy that could possibly dampen the spirit of another, erecting a caution sign in our relationship.

As in every case there is an equal positive opportunity to learn from this. By taking steps to adjust and sharpen my awareness I am able to better avoid such instances in the future realizing we can never let our guard down for ego is an ever present predator. Perhaps through discussion and understanding my client and I will gain a better understanding leading to a stronger relationship.

It has been an interesting exercise and I am thankful for the experience. My awareness of motivation and thought has evolved to a higher plane allowing me a deeper level of service. It also reminded me that my journey is continual and that I must be vigilant not to fall back into old attitudes, emotions and actions.

For discussion or help in developing a strategy for increasing awareness or a plan of action email premierblueprints@gmail.com.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Loving Your Neighbor

It is by focusing upon the Divine Intelligence which is of the same source in all of us, that we will be able to unconditionally love one another without judgment.

I am sure most have heard the saying; “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” How can we possibly follow such advice and why, when we know the guy down the road is abusive, the woman next door gets into everybody’s business and constantly reminds us she is better than we are or the person at work who is always miserable, complaining about everything? It is important to note here that we are not required to love what others do, their behaviors, but to love “them.” We are to love the Devine Intelligence, Spirit, which is in all of us. In this instance love is not an emotion but a reverence for Devine Intelligence.

Spirit does not change. We are not our physical body, behaviors, our job, or the things we accumulate. All these things change and eventually pass on. We are commanded to love Spirit which is unchanging and will last forever. If we are to believe all things come from one source it stands to reason that through Spirit we are all connected for the Spirit in one came from the same source as the Spirit in another. We are all cut from the same Spiritual cloth so to speak. Spirit is always for love, peace, joy, abundance and prosperity and these are the things on which we must focus our attention for all.

In order to love another it is first necessary to love our self, self being our Spirit. Spirit is our Power of Intention, Devine Intelligence, Holy Spirit or what ever other name you choose to give it. It formed us and sustains us. The Power of Intention in us has all the right answers for us if we would but learn to let go of ego and the physical and quietly listen for Its guidance. Loving self does not require us to love our behaviors. Paul, an Apostle of Christ in the Bible stated; “I do the things I don’t wish to do and do not do the things I know are right.” Once we understand the role of Spirit and learn to love our Spirit we gain an awareness making it possible to change any undesirable behavior and circumstance in ourselves and in others through conscious right thinking.

Once we begin to love the Divine Spirit within us it becomes easier to see past what we might classify as faults in others to the same Divine Spirit which is in them and love “them” unconditionally. We begin to understand how and why people we come in contact with behave as they do and are playing a very important role in our personal development. We are now able to have compassion for these people instead of condemning them. We also begin to understand that when we condemn another we also condemn our self cutting off the supply of prosperity.

For further discussion please email, premierblueprints@gmail.com.

Monday, July 27, 2009

In a State of Allowing

"The Source of Creation is not interested in material possessions or status. It will provide what is needed – it will guide, motivate, and influence you and everyone else." - Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life, Dr. Wayne W Dyer.

If we are to believe each of us is designed for a specific reason with very special gifts to accomplish our purpose it will be necessary to diminish our strength of ego with its selfish desires and stress producing competitive nature to allow our Power of Intention be our guide.
Devine Source is always for fuller expression and advancement for all. There is nothing comparable to the stress free feeling of being on-purpose allowing the Source of all Creation to accomplish advancement through us, for Devine Source and we are one. Being created of spirit our purpose is the same.

The process remains recondite to the masses because of their unwillingness to let go of ego and trust their inner spirit. We may want to consider that the spirit within us took care of us and nurtured us for nine months without any intervention on our part. It is also part of the same spirit that provides for birds, animals and all of nature. Surely this Devine Substance is capable of giving us all we need without our interference.

Our part is simple. We need only hold our worthy intention in mind with faith and gratitude, step back, and allow our Creative Source to arrange all the necessary resources enabling its fruition into our physical world. We need to be aware of and keep an eye out for opportunity when it is presented so we may act upon it moving us toward our purpose.

For further discussion email premierblueprints@gmail.com.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Corollary Success and Weight Management

It simply does not matter what we do on the outside.

We can exercise, count calories and do all the right things according to our weight management goals. We can even go so far as to hire motivational trainers and experience temporary success, maybe even reach our goal. But it will not, it CANNOT, last if we don’t extinguish our old self image, our current BLUEPRINT of what our subconscious mind believes us to be. We do not become that which we wish but we become and will remain that which we are. We can never be more than we believe, (our subconscious blueprint), ourselves to be.

We cannot harbor any remnant of our current blueprint that has been responsible for our results to this point in time. To eschew any possibility of backsliding we must construct a new BLUEPRINT of habits that support our intention. We become these new habits and the corollary success.

This is how we must believe our self to be. This new quiescent person that has until now, been recondite, is now ready to provide the motivation, opportunity and environment for us to realize lasting change.


This is where all weight management programs must begin if they are to be successful. You must become a new and different person. There is no other way.

My passion is helping others discover and plan for the NEW, SUCCESSFUL you. For discussion or help in replacing your BLUEPRINT simply email me today, premierblueprint@gmail.com.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Where Am I Going?

Set aside some time this week to discover who you are and why you are here. Too many of us travel through life without ever knowing who we really are and what our purpose is. Yes we have all at times wondered why we are here and what we would like to do with our lives or where our lives are taking us, (instead of us directing our lives to take us where we want), and wondering where we might be five or ten years from now. So many of us drift along going with the flow letting our circumstances and environment dictate our actions and therefore results. It is kind of like leaving on a trip without really knowing where you are going or will end up.

Generally when we plan a trip we know where we are going, why we are going, how we will get there, things we are going to do and see when we are there and any necessary preparations required ahead of time. Why do we spend more time planning a trip than we do our lives? Is life not just a trip of another kind? Does it not deserve at least as much planning as your next vacation?

Here are some questions to help you get started. If you think of other relevant questions that have meaning for you leading to a positive corollary, by all means add them.
  • What am I?
  • Am I my name?
  • Am I my body?
  • Am I the things I have accumulated?
  • Or am I much more than this?
  • What defines me?
  • What are my beliefs?
  • How did I come to believe what I do?
  • Is it someone else’s belief I have accepted as truth or my own?
  • How would other people define me?
  • Am I my own person or am I trying to please everyone by being the type of person they think I should be?
  • Do I need to revisit and look at some of my beliefs differently and how?
  • What do I want from life?
  • What are my passions?
  • What would be my ideal life if nothing were impossible?
  • What type of person has this life?
  • Do my beliefs harmonize with this type of person?
  • What changes must I make to become this type of person?
  • How will I make these changes?
  • What limits do I impose upon myself and how will I eliminate them?
  • What is my purpose?
  • How will I develop and use my passions, (talents, gifts), throughout my life to help others?
  • How will I give back?

“Nothing is impossible to the mind. All its guidance and power are available to you. When you have fully realized THOUGHT CAUSES ALL, you will know there will never be any limits that you yourself do not impose.” - U. S. Anderson

For further discussion or help with these questions email, premierblueprints@gmail.com.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Frequencies Pt 2.

We ended the last post with the question "So how may we ensure our signal remains full strength, in perfect balance with all we wish to attract and manifest in our life?"

You've waited all weekend, now here is the answer!

First it is necessary to have an awareness that something MUST change or we will continue to reap the same results over and over. This awareness will inspire, (in spirit), us to think of new ways to look at things. Inspiration creates passion as we review the new choices presented to us and select the one choice we believe best addresses our desire and are most passionate about. This in essence becomes our goal around which we will direct all our thoughts creating a powerful vibrational frequency.

Next we MUST develop a system of persistence ensuring our signal remains strong. To eschew any thoughts or situations which do not support our worthy ideal it is necessary to implement four or five daily action steps, things we will do on a quotidian basis to maintain our focus.

Any thoughts which do not support our intention must be immediately terminated, in mid thought if possible, and replaced with several that shore up our purpose. This is accomplished by having several positive affirmations relating to our intent readily available. It is also useful to repeat our affirmations at least twice per day using imagery and emotional content. The two best times to review our affirmations is just before sleep and immediately upon awakening. I realize I have discussed this before but we can never hear this enough times presented in different ways. Eventually we will come to that "uh huh" moment when everything falls together and we wonder why we didn’t see it before. It is so simple.

Additional steps to consider that are no less important are awareness of self talk and to surround our self with a phalanx of individuals who will encourage and hold us accountable to our efforts.

In the words of Voltaire “No problem can stand the assault of sustained thinking.”

For further discussion or help with setting up your game plan email, premierblueprints@gmail.com.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Frequencies Pt 1.

We are energy, thinking substance. We are created by the same Creative Source from which all things originate. Having come from the Creative Source we are creative beings and are the sum total of our thought choices, whether positive or negative, to this point in our physical life. We manifest and experience our thoughts in physical form. Having said this it stands to reason that if we choose to change the direction of our life in any particular area we must change our thoughts about those things which relate to the area of life in question. It is important to understand that all things, including our thoughts, vibrate at predetermined frequencies.

Yes, we exist in an electrically charged universe and everything without exception vibrates at its assigned frequency. If we wish to attract positive circumstances and results we must generate positive thoughts or vibrations.

Let’s use an am / fm radio to create an analogy. Say am frequencies are negative and fm frequencies are positive. If we wish to listen to, (attract), fm stations but our radio is constantly tuned to or stuck on am it will be impossible. We must choose to adjust our dial to the fm frequencies. Next it will be necessary to know which frequency we need to dial in to attract the specific station, (results), we are looking for. There are many positive frequencies on the fm dial. Let’s say each frequency represents an area of life such as relationships, financial, or health. It is obvious we must focus our attention on the area in question, selecting only those thoughts which support the changes we wish to bring about, to be affective. The more intense our focus, (the more harmonic our frequency is with that we wish to attract), the clearer and stronger our signal strength.

As with our radio, ANY deviation of the dial weakens our signal creating distortion which translates to slowing down or cutting off all together the results we are seeking. Thoughts of lack, limitation, and doubt will create resistance restricting the degree to which we realize our intentions.

So how may we ensure our signal remains full strength, in perfect balance with all we wish to attract and manifest in our life? Tune in Monday to find out (pun completely intended).

Or email me for further discussion if you can't wait, premierblueprints@gmail.com.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Beacon of Light

To live by example without judgment or expectation allowing others to find their way is the mark of one who has found his way.

The one who has found his way realizes that only those who wish to be lead can be lead; only those who wish to learn can be taught.  In essence there is no teaching, only giving and receiving. The one who has found his way simply continues on his way. Those who are drawn to him come and take what they need from the one who has found his way, then continue on their way. There is no need stressing over seeking those who may benefit for they will find him.
The one who has found his way is a continual fountain of giving without concern of compensation or recognition. He simply gives what he has to all and those who are able to receive and benefit will draw his gifts to themselves. He understands the universal law of compensation; that all things will return to him.

The one who has found his way goes unnoticed.  Those who benefit from his sharing, in the end, say; “look what I have done.”

He who has found his way realizes his greatness and his smallness are not his own but belongs to that which flows through him, understanding both have purpose. He has overcome ego and is not threatened by the way of another, knowing what is best for him, accepting that which will lead him on his eternal path.

Life is continual motion with people and things entering and leaving at their assigned times. The one who has found his way is grateful for all that is presented, immersed in content, Spirit, but attaches his Self not to form.  All is for his benefit on his continual journey which returns to its beginning. 

For discussion email, premierblueprints@gmail.com.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Grip and Finger Strength Training ---- Why?

Grip and finger strength training is often neglected or given very low priority.

So, why should we consider quotidian grip and finger strength training?

Anyone involved in the martial arts should be able to produce several reasons for making it a priority. Particularly any of the grappling style arts. Some other sports where superior grip strength and endurance would be beneficial are any racket sport, football, baseball, golf and hockey. I think you would agree however that every athlete, professional or weekend warrior, would benefit from a stronger more enduring grip.

But why, you say, should anyone else be concerned? Well let’s take for example the woman, (I’m sure there are men who struggle with this too), who constantly has to rely on a man to open jars for her. This may sound risible but being independent of this brings an air of confidence and assuredness that hey, I can handle things myself. Think of the number of times each day we use our hands for grasping things. Everyday or seasonal chores such as gardening, shoveling, carrying grocery bags, and picking up kids as you play with them and many more activities become easier, more enjoyable.

There are any number of fancy gadgets on the market today for developing superior grip and finger strength. Some good and some are a complete waste of time. None however are necessary for developing grip and finger strength. With some basic materials you have around the house you can develop an effective grip and finger strength program. Newspaper, a bath towel, a screw driver with a block of wood and a screw, two pieces of wood and a few nails, are all you require. In fact just the resistance of your body weight can increase grip and finger strength dramatically.

Test this out and see if it is true. Work on improving your grip and finger strength for one month. You will not be disappointed.

For ideas on how you might design your program send me an email, premierblueprints@gmail.com.

Monday, July 6, 2009

As You Wish

I have been thinking of awareness and am thankful we are aware of where we have been, where we are, and have the capability of being aware of where we are going. You notice I said the capability of being aware of where we are going. Many are not aware. They may have some loose idea or wishful game plan but are continually frustrated because they allow their environment and present circumstance dictate their thoughts, therefore the results they experience.

Still others may have a very solid game plan, daily action steps and affirmations of the ideals they wish to attain but are unaware of an internal behavior which is keeping them from realizing their goal. The internal behavior I speak of today is self-talk. How many times have you beat yourself up after doing something you would consider stupid or overlooking the obvious? How many of us have thought to ourselves, what a bonehead, how could I be so stupid, what an idiot I am? How many of us have taken on a task and told our self this is difficult, I’ll never be able to do this, I don’t have enough time to do that, this is impossible? I am sure we have all been guilty of this type of negative self talk at some point in our life.

Our self talk must be closely guarded. We must keep a constant vigil on our self-talk not allowing any negatives to go unchecked lest they slip through to the subconscious mind where they become, “as you wish.” Awareness of self-talk is essential to realizing your goals. Any negative self-talk is to be aborted the instant it is noticed, even in mid sentence if you can. All negative self-talk needs to be immediately replaced with a positive. This is where it is helpful to have your affirmations handy for implementation. We need to take all negatives, such as difficult, idiot, stupid, impossible and discard them from our vocabulary to be replaced by their polar opposite. This takes practice.

It takes conscious thought work to accomplish this. I guarantee those who can master this awareness on a consistent basis will experience positive life changing results almost immediately. Give it a try and be prepared to be amazed. By implementing self-talk awareness you can know where you are going.

To discuss ideas for overcoming negative self-talk send me an email, premierblueprints@gmail.com.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Fruit of Our Thoughts

There are still many who do not realize or do not want to realize they are the makers of themselves. They whine and complain about how outside circumstance and conditions keep them from achieving their goals yet their neighbor seems to somehow be continually advancing and successful. They claim it is fate or luck. Those who prosper get all the breaks. The complainers don’t see the seeds of success those who prosper are continually planting in the soil of their mind and through right thinking cultivate and water those seeds to fruition. They are blind to the fact that by their improper use of the laws of mind they remain bound to their lack and limitation.

It is not location which makes a man successful for if this were true all that lived in a certain area would experience success. There is plenty of evidence to show that where one man is successful his neighbor is deep in debt or stressed working three jobs with no time for his family.
It is not vocation for then all who were in a certain vocation would be successful. It is quite apparent that this is not so for there are many very successful doctors, lawyers, CEO’s and what have you but then there are those trained in the same duties who are depressed, alcoholics and homeless.

What determines a man’s fate evolves from within. It is those beliefs which he harbors in his heart.

If he plants seeds, (thoughts), of lack and limitation his fruit cannot be prosperity and abundance.

If he plants seeds of hate and cynicism he cannot expect love and joy in return.

If we see the opposite sex as manipulators and cheaters we cannot expect a successful relationship for believing is seeing.

How can we expect to succeed in society if we have a belief society is against us through heavy taxes, red tape and impossible laws? In every condition, even a depression, there are those who advance, those who remain and those who falter. The only difference between these people is in their use of the laws of mind.

Take time each day to study your thoughts. Do they match your desires in life? If not, then you have work to do for without fail we become what we think about and accept as truth.

For further discussion please email me, premierblueprints@gmail.com.