Word of the Week

I introduced the Word of the Week to help us improve our working knowledge of the English language. Your part if you choose to participate is to be aware of and use each word for the entire week whenever the opportunity presents itself. This way we will all increase our vocabulary and our knowledge of the English language supplying us with a very effective tool to utilize on our road to success.


te·mer·i·ty /təˈmerəti/ noun

the quality of being confident and unafraid of danger or punishment.

From a poem entitled “It’s No Surprise”

“Eyes exuding sincerity,

understanding, temerity,

is why I love you.”

Monday, August 31, 2009


The first step in building self-confidence is to believe in that Infinite Power within you.

The second step is to commune regularly with this Almighty Presence.

When the thought I can’t do this comes to you, mentally affirm: But the Devine Presence can.

"It’s infinitely powerful and nothing can oppose or challenge it. It’s all-mighty." - Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem., Dr. Joseph Murphy

Friday, August 28, 2009


If we are not yet experiencing the results we wish to manifest in our physical world it may be we are missing a very key component. In fact this component when genuinely implemented has the power to open the flood gates to our worthy desires. The component of which I speak is praise.
So what is praise and why is it so important?

Praise is to express admiration of something or laud the glory of, (God), something, to extol.
When we praise our Devine Source it brings us into harmony with Devine Operation, the source of all things. Praise keeps us in a constant state of positive vibration that is imperative to receiving that which we wish to manifest. The more imbued we are with praise the closer we are drawn to our Source.

God does not need our praise for he is the same always and forever more. God does not play favorites based on who praises more or more genuinely. God just is and is always for expansion and greater expression for all. No, God, The Law, does not need praise. Praise is for our benefit. When we are in a state of continual praise, not just heady or lip service, but genuine from the heart praise for all our past, present, and yet to come experiences it creates within us an awareness, a conscious connection to the Source of Power from which we came and are a part of. It raises our consciousness to a higher realm broadening the path of receiving and allowing us the opportunity to co-create, bringing us new thoughts, desires and ideas. If faith is the engine then praise is the fuel that keeps the engine running. Praise is action and faith without action is simply wishful thinking. All of nature is designed by law to respond positively to praise. Genuine praise will lift the spirits of all bringing hope, gladness and love. Praise begins on the spiritual level but is just as effective on the physical plain. Notice how when one is genuinely praised they automatically respond positively through glowing happiness desiring to better them self infecting their environment with this positive vibration. There is documented scientific evidence that even plant life responds to praise and the positive environment it creates.

There is much to be said about praise. It is easy to give praise when things are going well. It is equally important to give praise in seemingly difficult times for these are the times of growth and learning. In these times give praise for all you have and more will be added unto you. This is the Law.

For further discussion email premierblueprints@gmail.com.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Building Explosive Power

A key component to building explosive power is teaching all your muscle groups to work synergistically, cooperating and firing at the proper time to ensure maximum transfer of energy to it’s final destination, whether that be a punch, a kick, a successful vault or jump.

Here is an excellent exercise you may want to incorporate into your training regime.

Drop Squat with Jump

You will want to practice the drop squat portion of the exercise with a light 35 or 45 lbs bar, (or lighter depending on your strength), until you get the feel for it before adding the jump.

Begin by placing the bar in front of you on the floor. Take a wide stance, (6 inches wider than shoulder width), and squat down sitting on your heels keeping your back as straight as possible and head up. Grasp the bar using a wide grip, (outside the legs). Now as you stand up clean the bar to the shoulders just under your chin. Be sure to drive from your heels up through your hips keeping your back as straight as possible and head up. From this position do not press the bar overhead but maintain it at your standing shoulder level as you drop your body down to a squat position sitting on your heels, back straight, head up and bar now overhead. It is extremely important you do not press the bar overhead, rather drop your body down. From this position you will stand back up keeping the bar overhead. Once standing lower the bar back to the floor and repeat.

Once you have mastered the technique and feel comfortable with it place a box, (6” to 8” high x 40” long x 24” deep), just in front of the bar. Now perform the same technique however this time explode out of the bottom position jumping onto the box. Remember to drive from your heels up through the hips maintaining a straight back with head up all the while keeping the bar overhead. Step off the box and repeat. Start with just five or six repetitions. You may add weight to the bar or use a higher box as you get stronger. Three or four sets with a 1 ½ to 2 minutes rest in between will be adequate.

Be aware that any physical activity brings with it the risk of injury. If in doubt find a competent trainer well versed in this technique to assist you. Perform at your own risk.

For more training tips, email premierblueprints@gmail.com.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Study & Implement

It is all well and good to read about the laws that govern our universe. To study this stuff about positive thinking and the power of thought, how by controlling what we think about we are able to create the life we wish to have. It’s great to nod and agree oh that’s nice. That makes sense. But do we really practice it? Or, when a situation arises do we let our old programming automatically kick in and take control?

In order to make this stuff work for us we must take action and apply it each and every day even if it is just in some small way at first. Read articles and books many times over to discover what is there for us and implement it into our lives by conscious practice over and over. It is imperative we create an awareness allowing us to increase the gap time between stimulus and response. This can only be done through persistent practice and implementation. We must begin to think and do differently if we expect the results we so desire and deserve to have.

I suspect many of us spend more time watching useless television “programming” and playing video games than we do developing our minds and creating what we would like out of life. Notice the programming in quotations for that is exactly what it does. Learning to think for our self is the hardest undertaking we will ever take on but take it on and be persistent is what we must do if we wish to create the life of our dreams.

For further discussion email premierblueprints@gmail.com.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Fruits of Our Labor

We are the fruits of our labor.

What is the true meaning of this statement?

Most often we think of our labor as our physical labor. If we work the land or perform our jobs well we get rewarded with a great crop or our paycheck and possibly even a bonus. Although this statement certainly applies in this situation I don’t believe this was its intention.

Have you ever considered our thoughts as labor? Thinking for our self is the hardest work we will ever undertake. Very few actually know how to think. I am not talking about intellectual or surface thinking that is commonplace. I am talking about deep penetrating thought that comes from strong conviction and has the ability to change and govern life. These are the deep thoughts that our desires and motives mold. They create who and what we experience. They reveal our Truth. This is the labor of which this statement speaks. We become what we think about or have been programmed to think about most of the time.

Let’s create an analogy to better understand this; let’s take an apple tree and plant it in beautiful fertile soil with excellent sunlight, the perfect amount of rain and all the necessary components in perfect balance for optimal growth. What quality of fruit and nourishment do you think we would enjoy from this tree. Would it not enrich all the lives of those around it that chose to partake?

Now let’s take that same apple tree but replace just one of the components necessary for growth with its opposite, (which could be lack of or excess). Even though all the other components remain the same, excellent sunlight, plenty of rain and the like, this tree will never realize its potential and possibly not even produce any fruit at all. It may become sickly and stunted depending on the severity of lack or excess.

Our thoughts represent the components necessary for, and are responsible for, optimal growth or lack of growth. The perfect soil, excellent sunlight and perfect amount of rain represent thoughts of love, prosperity, peace, joy, abundance etc. We will reap the rewards of the labor of our thoughts creating the life we desire or moving us away from it. If we remove any one of these and replace it with thoughts of lack, limitation, jealousy, hatred, selfishness, pessimism, war, pestilence, we will limit our ability to create the life we desire in proportion to the severity of our thoughts and reap the fruits of this kind of thinking.

It is imperative we guard our thoughts. Challenge their origin and destination. If they do not support the life we wish to create they must be discarded immediately and replaced with thoughts that move us in the direction we desire.

To get started on the right path email premierblueprints@gmail.com

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What Demands are You Creating?

Often times when things are not going as we feel they should or are not developing as we had planned many of us lay blame on outside sources. We do this in error not realizing this will only bring us more of what we don’t want, leading to frustration, feeling sorry for ourselves, depression and disease (dis ease). Many go so far as to blame God, the Devine Source for their misgivings not realizing this will have the affect of cutting off all supply of good, for Devine Intelligence is the source of all things and will supply us with that which we put forth by our thoughts and energy whether positive or negative.

If our desire is to raise our quality of life in any area it is important to raise our level of consciousness in the particular area as well as in general focusing only on that which we wish to manifest. We must place our demands before the supply can become evident.

In his book Working with the Law, Raymond Holliwell states; “where there is no demand there will be no evidence of supply.”

If in our present state of consciousness we are unable to imagine a thing or result it will be impossible to attain it. We must enlarge our minds to conceive a necessity for the thing or result before it can be manifest.

The seeming dearth of things therefore is not God’s doing but brought on by man’s inability to raise his thoughts demanding a necessity.

"A man’s life consists not in the abundance of the things he possesses, but in the consciousness of that which he has. Man possesses the whole world and all its wealth, yet is only able to enjoy what his consciousness permits him to discern." - Raymond Holliwell

For further discussion email premierblueprints@gmail.com

Monday, August 17, 2009

Road to Success Pt. 3

The final step is ACHIEVE...

Achieve: Achievement is the physical fruition of thought whether good or bad. The subconscious mind will bring to maturation through opportunity and circumstance, any seed we plant and nurture by our persistent thought of how we perceive that seed should grow provided we act on what is presented for without action there is no movement.

If our goal were to reach the pinnacle of a mountain top it would be necessary to have a flexible game plan, prepare the gear and food essential for the climb, and an unwavering, persistent desire to complete the task no matter what.

“Having conceived of our purpose, we should mentally make out a straight pathway to its achievement, looking neither to the right nor left.” - James Allen

To maintain our successful journey it is imperative our thoughts remain focused on our goal, not the obstacles or seeming setbacks we may face.

As Dr. Maxwell Maltz stated; “We need to be aware of the negatives so we can steer clear of them. A golfer needs to know where the bunkers are – but he doesn’t think continuously about the bunker – where he doesn’t want to go. His mind “glances” at the bunker, but he DWELLS upon the green.”

Preparedness, both mental and physical is an essential step to realizing our worthy ideals. We cannot wish our way up the mountain. No one is going to come along, pick us up, and whisk us to the top. It is our responsibility for the preparation and execution as the way is provided. Our achievement will always be according to our preparedness, our ability to receive that which is forthcoming.

What we label as delays or setbacks become nothing more than an indication there is more to learn, more to prepare for our inevitable victory. We alone are responsible for our failures and our victories. As the saying goes, the dream never dies, just the Dreamer. It is only through improper use of the mind that we miss our mark. Devine operation plays no favorites. There are very specific universal laws to success and achievement. They are as sure as any mathematical equation. The closer we adhere to these universal laws the more we will be capable of achieving.

To plan your Road to Success email me at premierblueprints@gmail.com

Friday, August 14, 2009

Road to Succes Pt. 2

***Note - This posting is very in-depth and will require three posts to complete. Please Check Wednesday for Part and return Monday for Part 3. Email me if you have any questions and I may be able to address them within this series.***

Step two on the Road to Success is to PERSIST....

Persist: If you look up the definition for persist you will find that to persist is to continue firmly or steadily when faced with opposition; to prevail or endure.

Many of us mistakenly relate this to the physical world interpreting this to mean when we face physical opposition to what we are trying to achieve we must force the issue by trying harder and continuing stubbornly on in the direction we were headed. This interpretation of persist usually leads to frustration and failure. It is akin to trying to experience water by grasping it in our hand. The harder we squeeze the more water eludes our attempts. We must work with the laws of water and relax our hand in the water to achieve the experience.

To realize the success we seek to achieve it is essential we remain flexible, able to recognize, act upon and change our game plan when the opportunity presents itself. Persistence is not a physical thing. It is mental. Persistence begins in our mind. The physical actions leading to our results are the effects of our persistence or focus of thought in our mind. To be persistent then is to hold firmly in our mind that thought which will lead us to our worthy ideal no matter our current circumstance or environment. It is in a relaxed state we hold our thoughts. Content in our present circumstance, confident in the laws of our universe to bring about that which we truly desire knowing that once a thought seed is planted in our subconscious mind it has no choice but to bring it to fruition in our physical world. There is no worry or doubt for we understand these lead to frustration and anxiety cutting off our supply of good.

Persistence of THOUGHT and FAITH are what is required to ACHIEVE...

Please don't hesitate to email or comment, premierblueprints@gmail.com.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Road to Success Pt. 1

***Note - This posting is very in-depth and will require three posts to complete. Please return Friday for Part 2 and Monday for Part 3. Email me if you have any questions and I may be able to address them within this series.***

The first step on the Road to Success is to BELIEVE...

Believe: To truly believe something is to accept a thought, either ours or one we have accepted from an outside source, as truth allowing it to be programmed into our subconscious mind to be used as a blue print against all similar or contrary beliefs or circumstances in regards to the something.

A belief then is nothing more than a thought which creates the blueprint in our subconscious mind of what we perceive to be true.

Many of these blueprints which we hold to be true are not our own. They are the thoughts of others, whether individual or societal, we accepted as truth when we were young, trusting our parents, other figures of authority and media, to do our thinking for us without challenge. These thoughts filtered into our subconscious mind becoming habits guiding our decisions which lead to our actions producing the results we experience in our physical world whether good, bad, or indifferent. Many of these beliefs are outdated and no longer serve our purpose but are still creating the results we experience. Our subconscious mind is like the rudder of a ship and accepts and acts on whatever instructions it receives. It has no other choice. It is our conscious mind we use to determine what we will allow into the subconscious mind.

With this understanding of how our physical world is created by our thoughts from the inside out we can discern the importance of challenging all information we receive through our five senses to see if it supports our worthy ideal. It is equally important to challenge our old programming and replace any blueprints which do not support our goals. It is what we hold to be true in our hearts, our deep inner thoughts that determine our actions and our actions are responsible for what we experience in our physical world.

Study this material and be prepared to "Persist" on Friday.

Email me with any thoughts or questions, premierblueprints@gmail.com.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Ex-Reluctant Learning

***Note - This posting was not written by Marshall***

Hope everything is well with everyone. My name is Matt Page and, as you can probably guess, I am related to the regular author of Premier Blueprints. I am also the webmaster and have the responsibilities of making sure Marshall's post are up on time and organized.

What I wanted to do today was to let you in on a little secret.

Through each post, you are all slowly beginning to learn and understand Marshall's philosophy and outlook on life. From the comments and emails he has received from friends and strangers alike it is obvious that his powerfully positive message is truly reaching out to others and offering them a new perspective on what life CAN be if you choose to make it so.

Fortunately for me I've had this positive influence throughout my entire life. Unfortunately I haven't always listened. Now I'm not going to tell you that I was a troubled kid, who didn't perform well at school, was always in some sort of mess and was mixed up with the wrong people because all of that would be a lie.

What I will tell you is that Marshall has been writing and evolving his life philosophy for a long time. He has been writing and sending me these powerful essays for last several years. The secret is I never read them, or at best glanced through in case he was going to quiz me about it next time I saw him. It wasn't until this website was created that I truly discovered the inspirational genius in Marshall's way of living.

Being the Webmaster of this site, I'm also responsible for making sure all the formatting and spelling is perfect. This task means I have to read through every post before it shows up on the main page. It is actually a task I look forward to every Monday, Wednesday and Friday because every time I am surprised how I can take small piece of truth from each post and immediately apply it too my current situation. Having to read it has made me LOVE to read it!

I believe that Marshall's message has the power to touch and change the lives of millions but I bet if you were to ask him if he was happy that his son is finally, ACTUALLY reading his work he would tell you this website has been worth it. I know it has been blessing in disguise for me.

Hopefully you know someone else who could benefit from Marshall's message the way you and I have.

Let's share the secret!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Thought & Society

Negative thoughts are no more powerful than positive thoughts.

It’s just that as a society we are programmed to focus on the negative bringing us a majority of negative results. Societal memes control much of our thought process. Our situation as a whole becomes pejorative as we knowingly or unknowingly allow this programming to continue.

It is time we become aware of the negative influence forced upon us through media, theater, music and the like and the results experienced as a society because of it. No longer can we remain quiescent. As individuals it is our duty to think for our self. Focus on the positive life we desire for ONE and ALL. When each one begins to think in this way on a quotidian basis, challenging the negative messages on the appearance of things, focusing our thoughts on abundance and prosperity for all, the masses will be affected bringing positive lasting results as a society.

We must have a thought plan which when believed and persisted upon will begin to reveal answers which have been recondite to societal problems.

For discussion please email premierblueprints@gmail.com.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Perception or Deception?

It is not the reality of our circumstance or environment we react to but the way our minds PERCEIVE it to be true. The way we do that is to compare with what we have accepted as truth and if it doesn’t fit within our blueprint we dismiss it as false or of no benefit to us.

When we become attached to our beliefs we become rigid, inflexible, severely limiting our potential for growth and new experiences. Once we become aware of how our blueprints were programmed into the subconscious mind it becomes possible to DETACH from limiting beliefs, becoming the witness, giving us the ability to challenge new thoughts and circumstances without judging them against preconceived blueprints which may or may not be our own. We begin to see opportunity where before we were confined to the limitations of preset blueprints.

Dr. Amen in his book Making A Good Brain Great gives the example of two salesmen who go to Africa. One salesman returns to report there is no market there. Nobody wears shoes. His short sited perception has clouded his imagination not allowing him to see the vast opportunity here. The second salesman returns and can hardly contain his exuberance. He reports the market is endless; no one even has a pair of shoes yet. The market is wide open!! His imagination, not being confined to the appearance of things, is going crazy with possibilities. Just because no one has shoes does not mean they don’t want them. Present the shoes and let them make the decision.

The truth is rarely seen in the appearance of things. It is important we take the time to challenge our perceptions of people and circumstance to uncover what is truly being presented. Is our preconceived blueprint accurate or is it outdated? Is our blueprint our own or is it someone else’s we accepted without question? AWARENESS is key here. Awareness affords time to lengthen between stimulus and response allowing us to see how things may be of benefit for attaining our goals.

For further discussion email premierblueprints@gmail.com.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Understand that Spirit and Physical are the same yet different.

They are at opposite ends of a continuum for Spirit gives birth to the Physical.

We are Spirit in a Physical world.

Seeing the Physical we remain bound.

Seeing the Spirit we are free, limitless.

Take time in quiet meditation on these words this week. There is much to be discovered here.

For discussion or questions email premierblueprints@gmail.com.