Word of the Week

I introduced the Word of the Week to help us improve our working knowledge of the English language. Your part if you choose to participate is to be aware of and use each word for the entire week whenever the opportunity presents itself. This way we will all increase our vocabulary and our knowledge of the English language supplying us with a very effective tool to utilize on our road to success.


te·mer·i·ty /təˈmerəti/ noun

the quality of being confident and unafraid of danger or punishment.

From a poem entitled “It’s No Surprise”

“Eyes exuding sincerity,

understanding, temerity,

is why I love you.”

Monday, November 30, 2009


“You can never become more than you imagine yourself to be.” - Marshall, Premier Blueprints

Our success will always be equal to the image we currently possess of our-self.

If we desire more money, better relationships, a higher paying job then we must think bigger, dream bigger and create bigger desires than those we currently hold. We must first become the type of person who possesses these things before we can manifest them. If our current self -image does not support our worthy desires then we must create a bigger self-image.

We must be totally honest with our-self in realizing we are solely responsible for our present circumstance and environment. By our thought choices, feelings and actions we are the creators of what we are presently experiencing in our physical world. The government, your Aunt Lucy, your spouse, or your parents are not responsible; YOU ARE and ONLY YOU.

"Our lives improve only when we take chances - and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves." - Walter Anderson

Let’s take an honest look at our-self this week. Not how others see us but what is truly in our heart. Strip away all the walls we have built to protect our-self from the outside world and discover what really represents us at this point in time for this is what is responsible for our current situation. This is what is responsible for our thought choices, feelings, actions and results.

Now take out a piece of paper and make two columns. Label one column what represents me today. Label the other column what I desire to represent me.

Under column one write down all the things you discover about what represents who you are today. Under column two write down all the things you desire to define you. If column one does not reflect column two we have work to do.

There is a definite process for evolving from column one to column two. It begins with right thinking. If you desire to become a bigger you, to experience a higher quality of what life has to offer drop me an email and we’ll get started. Premierblueprints@gmail.com

Friday, November 27, 2009

Can You Survive?

Ok. It has been some time since I have written anything about training so today I would like to challenge all hard-core trainers to try a program called 6/6/6. See if you can survive the six weeks.

Here is how it works:

You will train three days per week. No more.

Divide your body in half: Chest, legs, and biceps on day one. Back, shoulders, and triceps on day three and core training on day two. This is an example. You may divide your training up as you see fit.

For day one and three choose one compound exercise per body part. Bench press for chest, squats for legs and olympic curls for biceps would be a good example.

You will perform only three sets for each exercise. Each set will consist of three mini sets of six repetitions with a 15 seconds rest between each mini set. Take at least two minutes rest between completed sets. Be sure to handle as much weight as possible in good form each and every time.

On day two for core training choose one exercise for each core muscle and perform in a circuit fashion. Keep your reps between 12 and 15. Three complete circuits back to back will be sufficient.

This program is grueling when performed properly but the results are amazing. Take a full week off after completing the six weeks.

I would be interested to hear any feed back from anyone who cares to attempt this program.
I accept no responsibility and cannot be held accountable for any injury or difficulties arising from this program. This is an extremely advanced program. Please consult your trainer and physician before undertaking any physical activity.

Above all have fun and train hard.

Questions? Email premierblueprints@gmail.com

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Trust, Co-operation

If we wish to gain the co-operation and trust of those in our charge it is imperative we include them in important decision making processes and at times allow them the freedom to make the decision on their own. This is of particular importance when dealing with our youth.

However it is of equal importance to first guide those to whom we have been entrusted, in the ways of proper thinking, leading to the best result. Our youth must be taught from an early age that there is an Infinite Storehouse of knowledge within them whom they can trust to reveal the answers they seek. They need to be well versed in the proper order of sequence as to how we create our outside environment. Far better they understand how to have a hand in creating their life than being blindly swept along life’s journey.

It is of particular importance to bear in mind their decisions will not always be congenial to our way of thinking. This is ok. We may give council, let our concerns be known, but they must be allowed to be individuals, responsible for and experiencing the benefits or consequences of the path they choose knowing we are always there for them no matter.

In this way our youth will know they are loved, they are important, and we value and respect their opinions and decisions. They will grow to be responsible successful citizens able to think for themselves, able to realize their worthy ideals.

For comment or discussion email premierblueprints@gmail.com.

Monday, November 23, 2009


A word, is just a word, is just a word, until we give it meaning.

The meaning we choose to give words is often based on past experience whether relevant to the present situation or not.

Very often it depends on who is delivering the words and the manner in which they are delivered.

Truth is, we, decide whether a word will be damaging, hurtful, inspiring, playful, insulting or whatever. People and words can do nothing on their own. If we are insulted by some comment it is because we have chosen to personalize it in such manner as to allow damage to ourselves through emotional distress.

When we learn to be the witness we gain power over words and our response to them. We now have the ability to weigh each word for its value and relevance using them to either encourage us or show us where we may need to make some changes.

Being the witness also allows us the luxury of being nonjudgmental, loving the deliverer and being appreciative of their insight or having compassion and empathy for their misguided thoughts and behaviors.

Spend the weekend observing words and comments, how you respond to them and how you might respond differently to create a positive experience. Also ask yourself why people would say such things. Include your self- talk as well.

For more, email premierblueprints@gmail.com.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Failure or Opportunity

Once we come to see our failings, our sorrows and sufferings, not as losses, but as so many voices telling us plainly where we are weak and faulty, where we fall below our true desires, we will then begin to continually watch ourselves, and every slip, every pang of pain, will show us where we are to set to work and what we must remove from our being in order to bring us nearer our worthy intentions.


Monday, November 16, 2009

Nowhere to Hide

We may renounce our outward behaviors and habits that bind us, continually bringing suffering and dis-ease. We may flee to the highest mountain top, travel to the farthest lands or hide in the depths of the deepest caves in an attempt to remove the temptations of our selfish habitual behaviors. It is foolishness and the ignorance of the untrained mind, which believes by merely removing outside circumstance and environment their wretchedness, will leave them for all these things come from within.

They will haunt, continually returning their wrath upon us until we, by totally renouncing our inward error, rout them out as we would a bad weed and planting the seeds of love, peace, joy, health and prosperity in their place.

The power of our subconscious mind, the Infinite Intelligence that God has put in all of us is our key to freedom. We must learn the laws governed by the Key to enable effective use.

For discussion email premierblueprints@gmail.com

Friday, November 13, 2009

How Far Have We Come?

So this is number one hundred. Seems like it was only yesterday this was just a dream in my mind.

It reminds me of the words from James Allen; “The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn; the bird waits in the egg; and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities.”

Let me ask each one. Since the launch of this blog what have you done to advance yourself toward your worthy ideals?

How many courses or lectures have you attended?

How much time has been wasted on television?

How many personal development books and programs have you completed?

How much valuable time has been wasted on video games?

How many people have you helped along your path?

How much time each day is spent meditating on and visualizing your goals?

How much time has been lost trying to please others in ways that are contrary to your desires?

What steps have you taken toward improved fitness and health?

Where are you going and is everything you do taking you in that direction?

Take some time for reflection. Reevaluate. Revisit your goal statements and update them along with your daily action steps and affirmations. Begin anew creating the life you deserve to have. Take time to reread the blog posts and study them. Meditate on them and see how they apply to your personal circumstance and how you might use them to advance toward your intentions.

Together we can make it happen.

We cannot travel within and remain still without.

I want to personally thank all who take time to read this blog. My hope is that I have touched a few lives and helped them in some way to a better quality of life.

We'll have your stories on Monday.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Hey everyone, Hope everything is well!

I just wanted to let you all know that the next post here is our 100th post. It's pretty exciting!

I was hoping that some of you would like to share your stories about life, philosophy, challenges, triumphs or even just weight training.

Send them to premierblueprints@gmail.com.

All the best!

Monday, November 9, 2009


All knowledge is from one source which is life itself and is available equally to all.

The knowledge which gives us 2+2=4 also reveals to us the complexities of space flight.

The knowledge the great inventors, philosophers and business people of the past made use of is the same knowledge available to those we consider wise or great today and will be the same for all future great men and women. This same knowledge is equally available to you and me.

Many of our greatest contributors had very little formal education. So what was their secret to success?

Without exception they all had the ability and understood how to connect with their Inner Intelligence. This is the same Infinite Intelligence which is in all of us. This is the Intelligence that wakes you with that ah ha moment at four o’clock in the morning.

We have the ability to learn and become whatever we desire simply by focusing our thoughts in the direction of choice, building on the knowledge which has come before and allowing Infinite Intelligence to reveal the resources and answers we need to advance toward our worthy ideal. Once committed it seems like magic how the right people and circumstances begin to show up. We must be vigilant and ready to act upon what is made available to us.

Never should we allow lack of education arrest our journey toward our passion. In truth we are capable of learning anything we have a passion for. A passion is never given without the means to fulfill it. Lack of education is nothing more than a sad excuse for the lazy person who has become too comfortable in their position and will give you any number of excuses as to why they cannot pursue their dream. And that is what it becomes, a surface dream.

For those who welcome change and advancement in life it will necessitate right thinking and action as the way is revealed. It is like digging for gold nuggets. With faith, persistence and a grateful heart our treasures will be revealed as we are ready to receive them.

From James Allen’s From Poverty to Power; Meditation is the intense dwelling, in thought, upon an idea or theme, with the object of thoroughly comprehending it, and whatsoever you constantly meditate upon, you not only will come to understand but will grow more and more into its likeness, for it will become incorporated into your very being, will become, in fact, your very self.

Please email for discussion, premierblueprints@gmail.com.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Flurry of Thoughts

With snow on the way and the inevitable traffic snarls I was reminded of a journal entry I wrote last year. Today I would like to share it with you.

Journal Entry January 07 / 09

What a beautiful blustery snow day!! Nature has provided us with some awesome weather patterns full of beauty and power. They are truly a wonder to behold and be thankful for. Ah you say, but they can cause destruction and stress……or is it opportunity?

This morning there are all kinds of commuters stuck in traffic with the snow storm and an ongoing bus strike not helping the situation. Seems like a pretty stressful dismal situation and most will choose to see it this way. They will get tense and their blood pressure will rise while they curse and swear at every driver around them, the miserable weather and wonder what they ever did to deserve this. The whole day is ruined as they envision another miserable commute on the way home. This is the outlook of most that are functioning on the competitive plane.

As I have said though, appearances of things are seldom the truth. In truth you have a choice here. You are responsible for the kind of day you decide to have regardless of circumstance. How might you spend your time constructively instead of whining about the weather and traffic which is beyond your control anyway? Does whining and fretting improve your present environment? Does it move you toward your desired stress reduced lifestyle? Can you see an opportunity in the above situation? Most that are guided by their subconscious and living on the creative plane will take this opportunity to put on some relaxing music, a motivational or personal development CD. Perhaps they may use the time to rethink the new modification they were considering for their new invention which is due to hit the market in a few months time. Your time and situation is what you make of it.

There is always choice.

We can waste it and do great harm to ourselves or relax and take advantage of the extra time provided to us. Realize every situation has a positive constructive reason for placing us in it. It is our responsibility to discover that reason.

To discuss, email premierblueprints@gmail.com.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Change is the only constant in our physical world.

It is the ebb and flow of life.

Endings bring opportunity for new beginnings.

Each day starts with the possibility to build on what has gone before or discard that which no longer serves us.

Become the observer. Experience the emotions, let them come and go as they will, as they must, but do not attach your self to them.

This is made possible by developing the spirit of now. This moment is all we ever have. What has past is gone forever; the future is not yet here. It is in this moment we have opportunity to make it as we wish.

To attach ourselves to the past or worry for the future is of no purpose, diminishing all that is good coming to us.

For discussion email premierblueprints@gmail.com

Monday, November 2, 2009

Guard Your Thoughts of Others

To your subconscious mind “YOU” are the only thinker in “YOUR UNIVERSE”. It will manifest in your life whatever you impress upon it. This includes the thoughts and feelings we have toward others. Think about the implications of this.

As we think so we become, even if it is the thoughts we have about another person. This is the wisdom of the Golden Rule; “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. We could also word this as; “Think about others as you would have them think about you”.
Thinking is doing, for thought is a measurable energy force. The action of thought will create an equal or greater reaction to be manifest in our physical world.

When we adopt negative thoughts, or wish ill will on our neighbor these thoughts and wishes are impressed upon our subconscious mind. You are the Host of Your subconscious mind. The end result being we bring these things upon ourselves. These critical and resentful attitudes are very destructive to us bringing with them any number of difficulties and sickness. Some people in our lives are difficult and we don’t always agree with their behaviors but it is important to genuinely wish for them love, peace, joy, harmony, health and prosperity. We cannot condemn their ways without bringing their negativity into ourselves. It is like poison. It will have an effect on our personal physical world.

We must practice empathy. This is the ability to project our self into the heart, the mind of another enabling us to think and feel as they do, understanding they are not these behaviors but through past experience they have allowed themselves to fall into discord with the harmonic laws of this universe. We must not return their negative energy but strive instead to return good for evil. Only in this way can we truly begin to have compassion and understand one another.

In the Book of Matthew we read; “Do not judge lest you be judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you." (Matthew 7: 1-2)

It becomes important then not to adopt nor condemn their thoughts, feelings and behaviors but to send them thoughts of love, peace, joy, health and prosperity. In doing this we allow the process of change to begin.

The challenge this week is to say to everyone we deal with; “I love you and wish you love, peace, joy, health and prosperity all of your days”. Just say this silently to yourself genuinely projecting it toward the other person as you greet them. This will ensure you remain in a positive vibration bringing good to both of you.

To discuss further, email premierblueprints@gmail.com