Word of the Week

I introduced the Word of the Week to help us improve our working knowledge of the English language. Your part if you choose to participate is to be aware of and use each word for the entire week whenever the opportunity presents itself. This way we will all increase our vocabulary and our knowledge of the English language supplying us with a very effective tool to utilize on our road to success.


te·mer·i·ty /təˈmerəti/ noun

the quality of being confident and unafraid of danger or punishment.

From a poem entitled “It’s No Surprise”

“Eyes exuding sincerity,

understanding, temerity,

is why I love you.”

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Success is a decision
A decision is based upon how we perceive
Our perception is based upon a belief
A belief is based upon what we have chosen to accept as truth
That which served us in the past may no longer
Perhaps it is time to rethink
For all begins in thought

"Change the way you think about things and the things you think about change"
Dr. Wayne Dyer

Over the next 90 days in which area would you like to be more successful
What new thoughts might you surround your desire with to accomplish this

My mission - purpose - is to assist others to achieve a higher quality of life and understanding - realizing their passions and purpose in life through gaining clarity of thought and definiteness of purpose.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Personality of Spirit

It is impossible for ego to understand the personality of Spirit.
Spirit comes from a place of Love, wherein there can be no judgement, no attack, no defense - none of these things - outside of which ego becomes disillusioned, trying to attach one of these labels to the nature of Spirit.

It is important those who live from Spirit, our True essence, not become discouraged by the inability of ego to comprehend Love of Spirit. By continuing to allow the great illusion of ego dominate, false ideas become attached, not understanding the personality of Spirit. Love, peace, joy, and abundance of life for all is the character of Spirit. This is Love and all that is True. Anything outside of Love is false, created by ego the master of deception.

Love, compassion, and patience must be exercised not forgetting the journey from darkness to light.

My mission - purpose - is to assist others to achieve a higher quality of life and understanding - realizing their passions and purpose in life through gaining clarity of thought and definiteness of purpose.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Growth through Spirit

Shrouded within every decision we take action on there is consequence. For things added as we move forward there are always things removed or redefined to some degree. Take care to be sure value added surpasses all we choose to leave behind, releasing these things through grace and gratitude for all they have contributed and may continue to contribute.

The only way to accomplish this is through Spirit - that which we truly are. Here there is no judgement - only love, peace, joy and support as experience moves forward.

This is not possible through ego for by it's fear based nature we can only experience guilt, anger, jealousy and remorse as ego attempts to sabotage, clinging to what is no longer, not understanding the process for growth.

A difficult experience we all face from time to time is releasing something that is very dear to us. In many cases attachment or dependency has become so deep rooted it is excruciatingly painful. Body chemistry has become organized in such a way it is akin to an addict going cold turkey. Here we must seek the love and comfort of Universal Intelligence with praise and thanksgiving, trusting all has purpose for those living through that which they truly are - Spirit.

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional -- Dalai Lama

Often times moving forward introduces itself in ways which at the present moment seem uncongenial to the path we have chosen. We must have faith that Universal Intelligence knows the best way to our worthy ideals, as we make known our desires in this physical experience, practicing the Art of Allowing even though it may be painful for a time. Trust that these are the fires of knowledge and preparation for the love and beauty they give birth to for all who are able to live from Spirit.

It is only through Spirit we may accomplish this in a healthy nurturing way for all.

My mission - purpose - is to assist others to achieve a higher quality of life and understanding - realizing their passions and purpose in life through gaining clarity of thought and definiteness of purpose.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Breathing for Health

For breath is life, and if you breathe well you will live long on earth
Sanskrit Proverb

Excerpt from Breath & Meditation Workshop
The human body is designed to discharge 70% of its toxins through breathing. If you are not breathing properly you are not achieving the level of toxic release necessary to remain disease, allergy and stress free.

Oxygen-rich blood is the key element required by the body to re-create healthy cells. This is essential for optimum health. The majority of us, due to sedentary jobs, television etc, are using only 1/3 of our breathing capacity. Is it any wonder society is bridled with all degrees of sickness? Insufficient oxygen means insufficient biological energy that can result in anything from mild fatigue to life threatening illness.

There is documented evidence of healing through the introduction of proper breathing for illnesses ranging from seasonal colds and allergies to cancers and depression.

Don't be fooled into thinking that just because you exercise each day you needn't think about your breathing for the rest of the day. All forms of exercise are a stress on the body which creates an elevated cortisol level which must be returned to normal. This will allow your exercise session to have the positive effect you are seeking. The quickest and most efficient method for this is through deep relaxing breathing. This should be performed for ten to fifteen minutes following your exercise session.

Deep breathing alone has made many a weak person strong and many a sick person well
Martin Burns

Monday, August 20, 2012

Listen - Talk - Act

Communication is the essence of all relationships be they business, family, community or personal.

Two major components of communication we all know are verbal skills and listening skills. However there is a third major component to communication which if not implemented can carry drastic repercussions. You may stand to risk losing something very dear to you.

This third component is action. It is not enough to listen and talk. Many of us have very well developed listening skills however if the action does not get past your mind into the physical world, it is useless. Listening to and saying what others want to hear, however then doing nothing about it, will cost.

My mission - purpose - is to assist others to achieve a higher quality of life and understanding - realizing their passions and purpose in life through gaining clarity of thought and definiteness of purpose.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

One Creative Power

Through Spiritual introspection all things which conform to the life giving principle of Creative Power become possible.

It is important to remember Creative Intelligence and Spirit are one and the same energy - not two separate entities working on each other.

The sole purpose of this Energy is for the expansion of life whether cosmic or individual personality.

My mission - purpose - is to assist others to achieve a higher quality of life and understanding - realizing their passions and purpose in life through gaining clarity of thought and definiteness of purpose.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Examine Your Thoughts

We fashion our life one thought at a time.

"We will become, we must become, exactly what we think about."
Earl Nightingale

Take time each day to examine your thoughts.
Be sure to begin and end each day with a grateful thought.

My mission - purpose - is to assist others to achieve a higher quality of life and understanding - realizing their passions and purpose in life through gaining clarity of thought and definiteness of purpose.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Reach Out

For each one facing a difficult challenge there is another who has successfully passed through a similar experience. One who understands.
Have courage to reach out - whether in need or in deed.
Together we help one another grow.
There is nothing we need face alone.

My mission - purpose - is to assist others to achieve a higher quality of life and understanding - realizing their passions and purpose in life through gaining clarity of thought and definiteness of purpose.